E~l~e~c~t~r~i~c~a~l P~l~a~y

Introduction to electric play

electro play, Manchester
Professional BDSM
electrical play, fetish and BDSM Manchester

My first introduction to electrical play was being witness to some unfortunate with his whole body stretched across a layer of tin foil and wired up to an electrical box. This has lingered on in my mind as a valuable lesson in what not to do.

Electrical play is a stimulating activity. It can be light – like a gentle tingle but it can also be very intense. I usually use it in combination with other activities such as CBT, milking machine and bondage as it is largely a hands-free activity.

I incorporate electrical play into a lot of BDSM scenes and as the feelings are varied I will suggest to novices that we start lightly and once you become acclimatised to it… you’ll often ask for it to be turned up. The cry for ‘More’ is a request that is rarely denied.


My electrics are not like getting electrocuted. Sure, I can make it feel that way if you’re looking for an interrogation scene or want a very realistic scene but on the whole not a good comparison. To experience a shock you would have to specifically request it. I have items that even the self-proclaimed masochist cannot handle on a low setting.

You could liken it to a tingly or pulling sensation; similar to a TENS machine or the sensation of nettle stings.

Where is it used?

I use electrical play below the waist on the cock, balls, down the urethra, on the buttocks, thighs and internally. There are combinations of probes that work well together for maximum stimulation and satisfaction.

I don’t use above the waist – there are too many variables to consider with regard to safety. If I wanted similar play above the waist then we have the Violet Wand at our disposal. Beware requesting this as my Violet Wand is super charged.

Scene Ideas

There is no reason (other than for health reasons) why electrical play cannot be used in sensual and light sessions such as tied and teased and sensory adventures – medical fetish scenes – interrogation role play – bondage – rubber bondage – CBT play – masochism et al.

Here are some ideas for possible scenes, but nothing is ever stale and prescriptive: so feel free to bring your own ideas and I can incorporate these. I have tried to rank these from lighter to heavier, more experienced play.

Lighter Electrical Play Sessions

  • Tied and Teased. Spread eagled on the four poster…twitching away in anticipation…All the comforts of vanilla land and with a Mistress sprawled out alongside you. Then the relentless edging and teasing starts. The electro glove works its way up and down and the internal probe slips in and out unassisted. How much teasing can you cope with?
  • Office Scene. In the current climate good jobs are hard to come by, but fast to lose. What makes you so special? What will you do to keep yours? Come and join me on my casting couch for an informal chat. But remember you’ll have to make good on all of those promises before your time is up. Quickly you’ll discover your Boss’s idea of proving your worth is not quite the norm – it’s beyond the pale. Before you know it you’ll sucking on my electric strap-on and ensuring it has plenty of lubrication for where it ends up next. Turned on! Watch the scene play out in one of my many mirrors and remember to smile.
  • Punishment Electrics. All maids are kept in check with regular punishment. I like to wire them up and send them on their way to perform domestic duties. If the work is not to my satisfaction then I give them a blast. Other times I will use the electrics as a form of encouragement when their attendance is requested in session. I am a fair Mistress. With me there is always a choice.

More Intense Sessions

  • Dungeon Scene. Stretching Rack just stretches you right? Wrong. The rack is breath play without you realising it’s breath play. To understand the power of the rack one must have experienced the rack. I have been on the rack. I have had the electrics on the rack. Now it’s your turn. Tethered up and your full body laid out for me, I run my pointy nails up and down determining how much give there is. It is an exciting time. Various pulleys come down from chains above – clamps for your nipples and a hooked ball for your ass. All you have to do is stay still and calm and follow my simple instructions.
  • Medical Fetish Play. Dr Sheba positions those legs wide apart on the stirrups and tries to get to the root of your problem…a ring around the base, a long probe down the smaller hole and an electrified plug or speculum in the other orifice. Castration fantasies? Then look no further. I have several items totally safe, but long since discontinued. Your mind will play tricks on itself despite me telling you what you think is happening isn’t. All mind play.
  • Inversion Bondage. Suspended from your ankles and hanging mid air gives you an entirely different perspective and the same could be said for the feel of the electrics. Some of the electrical items can defy gravity whereas others can not. One simple rule for Me to remember – in an upside down world – it’s electrics above the waist not below.
  • Rubber Bondage Scene. Suctioned tight in the vacuum bed there are few options available to a Mistress with hands that will not rest. Let’s just say there is good reason why all my rubber bondage items have a hole at the genital region. In your dark world it will be confusing what is my gloved hand, a vibrator or the electrics… Stay calm and just keep breathing through your small pipe gag.

My Electrical Play Equipment

I have a wide selection of electrical play items so there is something for everyone and new items appear frequently to keep things interesting. Attached are a couple of photographs. Regrettably we are not supposed to openly share electrics in use.

On the lighter end: elasticated bands – top and bottom, smaller internal probes, urethral sound, electro fleshlight.

Other items for electrical play are extra stimulating/ give more intense feelings…the large rod, my glove, the sock, metal cock rings, blunted knife and dagger, the frayed metal wire, tweezers. These will certainly get the adrenaline pumping and you won’t be able to control your responses. This is why I like gags and bondage.

Safety Considerations

Electrical play and the Violet Wand are not suitable for people that have/or have had any kind of heart issue. There are too many variables to consider. That is why I will only ever do electrical play below the waist. Heart conditions and other health conditions as we are aware do not always present themselves.

Find Out More About My Sessions Here

Mistress Sheba, Manchester Dominatrix